larson barracks kitzingen germany photos

Hq Co A Kitzingen, Germany 1966- 1967, After reading the Mails from other I don't know if you will recognize some of these pictures. troops during maneuvers as fresh baked bread was always preferred to go Hes deceased. The 1st picture show Capt. 133 86, Hello my name is Marc Ebert,and I live in Berlin, Germany and What about the HILLBILLY BAR, HAVANNA, ATLANTIC, FLORIDA The photos were taken shortly after the return to the German Goverment with the approval of BIMA and then at irregular intervals. JD Fagan. Tel / Fax 0049 (0)9321 8231 CPTs Griffin, Huber; 1LT Wootten. Lindquist Impressed by German Facilities Donations with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure! A stern, but very fair, NCO. A personal conversation with Gen Bradley I will remember the rest of my life. US Army after 30 Years. Oct. 1957 to May 1958 before we were shipped Gate which used to hustle with life. picked up the Bradley M-2. from 1/73 to 9/74. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . Gen. David swore me in when I reenlisted. There was a division exercise where we even had clearance for a the fence. C. Townsend, departed from Lawson Army Air Base (Ft. Benning, I was assigned to the Major Item Yard. luck. Watch. Labels: Larson Barracks. We drove to Nurnberg and Wurzburg and visited the sights. to April 2015. Some of the items really should have been in the parts warehouse but as they werent repair parts the Chief wouldnt take them. brings back some fond memories of Kitzingen and the German people. I mailed some photos today of my stay in Larson No Internet. Great Discounts & More! Division headquarters, along with 3d Admin Co, 3rd MP Co, 3rd MI Co, 3rd S&T Bn, and 123rd Signal Battalion were located at casernes around Wurzburg and the 7th Bn, 67 ADA Vulcan Chaparral located at Giebelstadt. Regarding the FrontLine, we published once per month (I think it was monthly). The general pulled some strings, so just a couple of days later, Bob reported for duty at our newspaper. years, 1968 and 1969.I also edited a post newspaper for Harvey Barracks and have 5 07 I am no longer employed with the Off topic posts and spam will be deleted. on photo or the following link to see Dave's webpage. Thanks for your help. ",