vscode task multiple commands

If you try to attach to a .NET app running in a container, you'll see a prompt ask to select your app's container. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. The tasks.vs.json and launch.vs.json files are created by Visual Studio It does with the new terminal runner you need to opt in using "version": "2.0.0", @dbaeumer Hey, this is great. My extension is opinionated on this point, where I have it only using what the dev puts into the task arguments as the full command to run for Node's child_process module. The Docker extension adds the docker-compose.yml file to your workspace. Once both backend and frontend are running, our two web browser pages will refresh automatically. You need to do it this way (in current implementation): "command": "tsc", Here's a hover provider that shows a link in the comments of the current line in the active text editor: The list of arguments to the command is passed as a JSON array that has been properly URI encoded: The example below uses the git.stage command to create a hover link that stages the current file: You can enable command URIs in webviews by setting enableCommandUris in the WebviewOptions when the webview is created. The problem is that "Run Test Task" and "Run Build Task" do not execute all tasks in that specific group. I've confirmed that listing multiple tasks in. For example, I am thinking of a simple project consisting of a backend and a frontend.. but sometimes we may find ourselves working on much larger projects. Have not done this yet and never thought about this way, I hope it will work! If you want to run two task in sequence you don't need and artificial task. "args": ["-w","--listEmittedFiles","-p","tsconfig-client.json"], If you omit this, the port will be chosen automatically. {Both tasks works fine if ran individually.}. But to be clear, I wouldn't want to replicate all the tasks for both. Is intended as an API for other extensions to consume. First here is a bit of context about the app I wanted to configure VS Code for: My custom Jakefile allowed me to add the following capabilities to VS Code: Unfortunately, I cannot share my work for now because I need a special agreement for this. Truce of the burning tree -- how realistic? What if we want to open the backend Swagger documentation as well? @felixfbecker It's nice follow-up We can use "windows", "linux", and "osx" for cross-platform portability. I'd like to keybind 2 different task_names. On the Debug tab, choose the Configuration dropdown, choose New Configuration and select the Docker Attach configuration template .NET Core Docker Attach (Preview). So what *is* the Latin word for chocolate? Web, APP, and Software Developer since 2000's: Software, Web Portals, SPA, Mobile APPs, DataBase, and more "clean": "npx rimraf .cache && npx rimraf build", in the first one I should type the commands, in the second one I should type the commands, once its cleanup was finished, we would have had to start the backend, once its cleanup was finished, we should have started the frontend, finally we should have opened the browser on Swagger, and open another browser page to view the frontend. Configuration settings such as volume mounts for the container, port mappings, and environment variables can be declared in the docker-compose YML files. And you need to run taskC, which is not equal to run taskA which has deps on [taskB, taskC]. As developers, we often find ourselves working on large projects consisting of multiple subprojects. Because my top level command would be start on Windows and open on OSX. Workspaces can have multiple docker-compose files to handle different environments like development, test, and production. Theoretically Correct vs Practical Notation, Rename .gz files according to names in separate txt-file. If anyone sees problems with the support available since 1.9 please open a separate issue. task does however present me with that list and both my options runs. (Win), Set sub-level args to any your command with. You signed in with another tab or window. You can point to the right debugging port in the launch.json, and save the file. vscode.commands.registerCommand only binds a command ID to a handler function. Lets see how to automate these tasks so that I can perform both (in parallel) with one command or one click! Because, we can multiple command with the trick: http://qiita.com/usagi/items/5a0f4edc99420173abb3 ( Sorry, its wrote in Japanese. Can non-Muslims ride the Haramain high-speed train in Saudi Arabia? Is there anything that is not covered by this expect the request to have a command per file extension? If your app requires volume mounts, specify them by using the volumes tag in the docker-compose*.yml files. Cross platform code on both Windows and Linux. The content of the configuration can be split into multiple files. Toggle navigation what happened to beth williamson It takes the ID of the target command and a when clause that controls when the command is shown: Now the myExtension.sayHello command will only show up in the Command Palette when the user is in a Markdown file. bleepcoder.com uses publicly licensed GitHub information to provide developers around the world with solutions to their problems. Can not run pre launch task build. Let's assume you have a different set of input files for each environment. That's not supported by the extension. I tried and it just runs vscode command and skips node script. 0. It will go more like. For example: Rather than use command customization, you can also define a task like the following to invoke a docker-compose command. For vs code though, I would like to be able to bundle all them up in the tasks.json. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. The second example stores a value that you could use with a when clause to check if the number of cool open things is greater than 2. { WebThere are two way to run more than one shell command within a Visual Studio Code task: Sequence the commands with the && shell operator: { "version": "0.1.0", That's what I missed :). Am I wrong? we just make it send a `terminate` command to the terminal. @dbaeumer @psulek that should work i will try! How can I navigate back to the last cursor position in Visual Studio Code? This is perfect for the use cases I've seen in our projects. Debugging OSS builds fail after 3-7-17 master branch code, silent failure, cannot breakpoint, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43809502/getting-babel-to-watch-two-folders, Set sub-level args to any your command with. @brennanMKE Thanks for the info but I needed to call different executables for different tasks. "isShellCommand": true, It's impossible to achieve this using a common command for everything (unless you use the cmd or sh tricks). Can we expect this to be fixed in May? Please see https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/wiki/Issue-Tracking#planning for more information. Have a question about this project? Many of my gulp files are redundant, so to me it would be more convenient to have it in the json file :-). Theoretically Correct vs Practical Notation, Clash between mismath's \C and babel with russian. Take the following example: As Echo 1 depends on Echo 2, Echo 2 will be executed prior to executing Echo 1. I am closing the issue. VS Code - How to write tasks.json to run multiple commands in a single task, code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/tasks#_compound-tasks, The open-source game engine youve been waiting for: Godot (Ep. Why are non-Western countries siding with China in the UN? In the example, it belongs to the test group. @Jonathan34 I'm sorry. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. But the first runs are hidden by the last one until you press enter. @viperscape This has little to do with being single-threaded, Gulp is just as single-threaded as VS Code itself, and tasks are always run in a seperate process. What tool to use for the online analogue of "writing lecture notes on a blackboard"? How to derive the state of a qubit after a partial measurement? Shall it be raised as a separate bug ? 542), How Intuit democratizes AI development across teams through reusability, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. I would like to be able to merge a few terminal outputs, and have a header (TASK 1: -> output string , etc. ) So, I have to install and learn one of the zillions of build tools available in node (like gulp) just to get my very first page off the ground. When I Run Build Task in VS Code, my gulp task is not being run, even though it has "group": "build" only the dotnet one is. However, I agree with this issue and those 24 other :+1:'s up there . we really need a way to tell it to either add the command or don't (e.g., https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/6496). _One_ of them is different though and needs to do X for Windows and Y for OSX. "isBuildCommand": true, I would like to be able to merge a few terminal outputs, and have a header (TASK 1: -> output string , etc. ) How did Dominion legally obtain text messages from Fox News hosts? Is a hot staple gun good enough for interior switch repair? { Say I want a test command and a build command. If everything is configured correctly, the debugger should be attached to your .NET app. I simply hit F1 and enter task test and it runs my tests. Since you have specified one of the tasks as default, the selection will be skipped and instead the default task is executed. Allow debug-actions-widget position adjustable and configurable. Tasks that belong to the test group can be executed by running Run Test Task from the Command Palette. Therefore I removed it and made client build depend on server build. if i empty the content of the preLaunchTask, it works but the code is not built before. If we do this in VSCode we would start a node-sass process everytime a *.scss file changes. How can the mass of an unstable composite particle become complex? Already on GitHub? https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/981#issuecomment-274185963, Execute task locally, via SSH or via Vagrant SSH and WinRM commands. Note: Extensions targeting VS Code versions prior to 1.74.0 must explicitly register an onCommand activationEvent for all user facing commands so that the extension activates and registerCommand executes: You do not need an onCommand activation event for internal commands but you must define them for any commands that: By default, all user facing commands contributed through the commands section of the package.json show up in the Command Palette. Have some other configuration you haven't listed in this issue log that lets the magic happen? Can you advertize this to the world! .vscode/task.json file: { Every month we pick items from the backlog to plan for the current iteration. thanks. }. (BTW: Updating to latest version fixed the task.json issue, thanks on that). All rights belong to their respective owners. vscode.commands.registerCommand binds a command ID to a handler function in your extension: The handler function will be invoked whenever the myExtension.sayHello command is executed, be it programmatically with executeCommand, from the VS Code UI, or through a keybinding. @felixfbecker It's nice follow-up :+1: We can use "windows", "linux", and "osx" for cross-platform portability. You can then use the Docker Compose Up command (right-click on the docker-compose.yml file, or find the command in the Command Palette) to get everything started at once. When you attach to a service that exposes an HTTP endpoint that returns HTML, the web browser doesn't open automatically. Support Error and Warning locations by generating the appropriate problem matchers. Support Error and Warning locations by generating the appropriate problem matchers. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Or, alternatively, "use cmd as the task runner" won't work with Mac / Linux developers. In some cases, a docker-compose.debug.yml is also generated. WebBuilt-in Commands | Visual Studio Code Extension API Edit Built-in Commands This document lists a subset of Visual Studio Code commands that you might use with This is definitely a bug with task version 2.0.0. In the first case we analyze, we have a simple, very common situation: a backend and a frontend: in the ./backend and ./www directories, respectively, Specifically, the backend is developed with Strapi: and is then started via the command. So, for example using the above you could do something like this: This would then trigger the task below as it does now, but then that task has an onComplete which would then trigger the other task. Using tasks.json version 2.0.0, I have not been able to make it so that, when I build my application, multiple tasks are run at the same time. Release notes (v.1.10.0) just came out for this. It takes a document URI and a position as arguments, and returns a promise with a list of definitions: Commands URIs are links that execute a given command. If youve created that file right now, youll need to restart VSCode so it can load it the right way. Well, since we know that the frontend runs on port 8008, while the Strapi backend runs on port 1337, and Swagger is pointed to the /documentation path, all we will have to do is add two hidden/auto-closing tasks to our task array. If anyone sees problems with the support available since 1.9 please open a separate issue. Does `"command": "preBuildTask1.bat; preBuildTask2.bat; etc. Note: By default, when using Docker: Add Docker Files to Workspace, choosing the Django and Flask options will scaffold a Dockerfile configured for Gunicorn. You can create variants of any property. Version 1.76 is now available! The `stop server` task is a bit simpler. @GuardRex I see your frustration around this (and from the others). Fantastic! my personal soluction now is open a console/terminal and run a npm task @danielschmitz I sort of do something similar with my Status Bar Tasks extension. "problemMatcher": "$tsc-watch" Because, we can multiple command with the trick: http://qiita.com/usagi/items/5a0f4edc99420173abb3 ( Sorry, its wrote in Japanese. I may stay with the "all-in-one" script solution unless there is more direct way. and make. I think that the most flexible solution would be to allow BaseTaskConfiguration inside the TaskDescription. Instead, let the Docker pick a random available port to automatically avoid port conflict issues. @dbaeumer what I have in mind is having 2+ pre launch tasks, so for example take this configuration: This would then build the server and once that is done build the client. I made this script. It requires that you install python IDLE in your environment. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Thanks. This will open the IDLE and run your python file each time you ru Though I created a ticket for the same popup behavior with workbench.action.tasks.build. It allows to define multiple commands and it is very easy to transform to the current tasks.json schema. Dealing with hard questions during a software developer interview. The idea here is that you can have compound tasks in the tasks.json so that the debugger can still refer to one pre launch task. Any task can make a reference to a single custom problem matcher. Because my top level command would be start on Windows and open on OSX. In that case the tasks are executed in parallel. Now try to imagine: being a full-stack developer, how many terminals do I have to open, each morning, when I get start working? I added support to be able to have different command per tasks. Having different commands for different tasks is available since 1.9. I would like to be able to build a whole project, in one build command and create 4 files in this example: Sneaky trick, settting space as command works on Windows: Another thing you can do is put it in a sh file to make it easy: Note: I am not sure if the windows sh works because I have WSL installed or because I installed git with linux commands, or if it just works in windows. and have it kick off _all_ tasks defined. @danielschmitz From your example, only the first taskName runs when I press Ctrl+Shift+B. It's able to run shell commands directly from the editor :rocket: I think the schema in this request could solve the problem: https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/4475. This article helps you enable Docker Compose for your apps, whether they are Node.js, Python, or .NET, and also helps you configure debugging in Visual Studio Code for these scenarios. @brennanMKE Thanks for the info but I needed to call different executables for different tasks. Configure the debugging port in docker-compose.debug.yml. For me, 9 of the 10 tasks I want can all be in one definition. Note that I do not filewatch from the task.json and it happens inside the gulp file. The when clause prevents clutter, by not showing the command for all other language files. High DPI scaling for UI or settings for UI addition, Watch task should execute automatically on workspace open, Support temporarily installed fonts. Declare virtual configurations whose purpose is only to be inherited. The workaround is nice, but it is not cross-platform and quotes have to be escaped. Run Backend and 3. We are still discussion how to best express sequencing and parallel execution here. I also belive running tasks with state could be shown on bottom status bar and clickable to open/hide output. , shortcut: (override default build command). (case it's not known issue). Last, menus showing commands, like the Command Palette or context menus, implement different ways of dealing with enablement. Read about the new features and fixes from February. How do I duplicate a line or selection within Visual Studio Code? And you need to run taskC, which is not equal to run taskA which has deps on [taskB, taskC]. @TheColorRed IMO such a support should then go into the corresponding language server. I think this issue should be frozen / restricted until someone can actually work on it (from VSCode team). How does a fan in a turbofan engine suck air in? You'll be asked if you want to add Docker Compose files. Thanks for the suggestions from Mark, I find the solution to define a command with multiple sub-tasks in tasks.json of VS code: Solution 1: Simply put all tasks in the command value, separated by ";": Solution 2: Define sub-task as environment variables, then invoke them one by one. What are examples of software that may be seriously affected by a time jump? See #22250. Add 'gulp-load-plugins' plugin in package.json, To read more about that plugin, see How To Build And Develop Websites With Gulp. By clicking Sign up for GitHub, you agree to our terms of service and this will build the client \and server build in parallel and the last build will hide the first build result ("press a key to continue"). This will create a docker-compose.yml file and also a docker-compose.debug.yml, which volume maps and starts the Python debugger in the container. You can use compound tasks to run multiple commands The test command needs to run mocha and the build command babel or tsc for example. Was Galileo expecting to see so many stars? The idea is that as soon as you specify a command on a task level it will not inherit from a global command. @danielschmitz @usagi @felixfbecker @cfjedimaster @csholmq Thanks everyone for the feedback and suggestions! Lets create the .vscode folder in our projects root. Create an Attach launch configuration. For example, a base compose file that defines the common information for all environments and separate override files that define environment-specific information. The simplest way would be to add them separated by ; (or && ) in a shell: tasks.json: { First of all, lets create the tasks base structure. ] taskB -> depends on taskA. Starting out in VSCode, I _immediately_ run into this problem, because I want to build typescript and sass files into my runnable project, and there's no simple way to specify "do A and B when building." Something comparable could be built for saas as well. It just so happens that my example uses gulp, whose auto-detection would remove the need to re-run gulp tasks on build. You could write and run a custom script file instead of python etc. directly. In the script file you would extract the file extension in order to Commands are also used by extensions to expose functionality to users, bind to actions in VS Code's UI, and implement internal logic. "suppressTaskName": true, Similarly, you can configure a default test task. Problem solved, my tasks.json file has "version": "0.1.0", when i changed version to 2.0.0 it starts working! You can point to the right debugging port in the launch.json, and save the file. The bigger our project is, the more turning on the PC and start working is a pain in the ass: since this requires to open several terminals to execute several commands. Why must a product of symmetric random variables be symmetric? Anyone knows how to do that? "command": "ba @DrYSG we will. This lets you use VS Code's built-in functionality, and build on extensions such as VS @dbaeumer With this new feature, is the top-level command that we current have going away? So, what we want to achieve is for our Task to clear the two caches before starting frontend and backend. Support remote debugging by generating appropriate configuration for. If you have ever configured a keybinding, then you've worked with commands. Add the next task object at the beginning of the tasks array. Written by on 27 febrero, 2023.Posted in jack herschend son.jack herschend son. This is an extremely poor new-user experience, and for teams of more than one developer, forcing everybody to use the same OS is of course a non-starter. Why does the impeller of torque converter sit behind the turbine? @cfjedimaster Why can't you use the workaround exactly? Also the gulp file uses the tsconfig for properties, so tsc is configured in the usual manner. Right-click on the docker-compose.debug.yml file and choose Compose Up. I'm new to Visual Studio Code and trying to write tasks.json to perform my custom build task so that I can build my project by "Terminal / Run Build Task ". You can also use the docker-compose up command from the command prompt or terminal window in VS Code to start the containers. VSCode appears to only support one running task at a time. Launching and debugging Blazor server and webasm on VS Code, vscode open each process in its own terminal automatically, How can you create multiple cursors in Visual Studio Code. @jacob-stamm No need to daisy chain them, you could add them all as dependencies to one task. Run Backend; it uses a shell type; itsnt hidden (we learn in a few minutes what does it mean); has ./backend as working directory; and it consists in the command npm run serve. From the Debug tab, choose the green arrow (Start button) or use F5. Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. This is set when you create the file, so you might not need to change it. is there a chinese version of ex. There's no need for it in .NET or Node.js, since the required components are built into the runtime. "tasks": [ Command customization provides various ways to customize the compose up command based on your requirements. You can always mark your 2 most common commands with isBuildCommand and isTestCommand to run them via cmd + shift + b or cmd + shift + t respectively. Let's assume your workspace has a base compose file (docker-compose.yml) and an override file for each environment (docker-compose.dev.yml, docker-compose.test.yml and docker-compose.prod.yml) and you always run docker compose up with the base file and an override file. @stkb actually this is intended. :rabbit: Let me suggest a simple example to implementation (tasks.json) . shortcut: (override default build command). I have all my scripts defined in my package.json to so they're available across all IDEs/editors. Enablement applies to all menus and to registered keybindings. Here's an example that shows the Node.js launch configuration - Attach: When done editing the Attach configuration, save launch.json, and select your new launch configuration as the active configuration. VS Code tries to copy vsdbg from the host machine to the target container using a default path. Does this mean that I have to essentially "daisy chain" them together (, @JacobStamm Not an answer to your question, but if you're already using gulp it should be pretty straightforward to group your tasks there. Note: If your workspace has docker-compose.yml and docker-compose.override.yml and no other compose files, then the docker-compose command is invoked with no input files and it implicitly uses these files. Multiple commands/tasks with Visual Studio Code. "isShellCommand": true, @foo-baar Do you have to change "version": "0.1.0", to "version": "2.0.0",? Now edit the tasks.json file. Another plus one - and in my case, I can't use the workaround since I need a per OS switch and I can't rely on sh or cmd. Vscode so it can load it the right debugging port in the tasks.json open a separate issue actually work it! Docker-Compose.Yml file and also a docker-compose.debug.yml is also generated the most flexible solution would be start on and. Have some other configuration you have specified one of the preLaunchTask, it belongs to right. Run two task in sequence you do n't need and artificial task @ dbaeumer @ psulek that work! Execute all tasks in that specific group that belong to the test can... On Echo 2, Echo 2, Echo 2, Echo 2 will be skipped and instead default. '' do not execute all tasks in that case the tasks for both you 've worked commands... The file last cursor position in Visual Studio Code `` OSX '' for cross-platform portability, my file! 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