Unfortunately, one of the strongest capabilities of a bureaucracy is the capability of fooling those within the bureaucracy that everything is great.[xxi]. This is a realm consisting more of social facts (as opposed to physical facts such as artillery trajectories and tank speed), influenced more by language and culture, and largely constructed by the inhabitants as to meaning. Those two things are our inability to clearly articulate what it is we do within SOF and the afore-mentioned continued struggles in Afghanistan. This, so as to provide that these states and societies might better benefit from and better provide for the global economy and, thereby, become more of an asset to and less of a drag upon/threat to same. Bill C---that was a small sentence in a recent book concerning the Shia revival that goes to the heart of the ecosystem concept which the Army has now spun into the term human domain in order to maintain the fielded concept of Human Terrain Teams that was never defined as a program of record so it is fighting for survival during the current financial draw down. Even our own COIN doctrine- which implies that that type of activity is counterproductive, cannot rescue us from the technically rational system, of which it is, ultimately, also a part of. All the BP and Customs personnel on the border has done nothing to stem this development---just as in Iraq and AFG the border is just something to develop "rat runs" around/through. What came after was different. Indeed, in any stability op or war scenario beyond covert support/sabotage of an indigenous government it is the CF that will lead the main effort and take the majority of the blame for screwing it up (rightfully so). Easy stuff we were good at. In the old days we might have known that our goal -- via containment, etc. One says technical rationality (rational decision making, for instance, being one of its recommended tools) is sufficient. Interestingly, this makes me wonder how we could have missed such an important aspect of the human domain and the military operations we undertook as a nation. Identified change is that which results from others identifying with those wanting the change. It accomplishes this by engaging the civil population, threat elements, and domestic and foreign audiences in the information and human dimensions to establish a coherent narrative. They will have experience high, low, strong, light and variable: snowfall , wind, rain, fog, temperature & humidity - in spring, summer, autumn and winter. His story was we had been hitting you on every patrol and on this particular day a gun truck patrol came by and I detonated--but nothing happened which was strange as they had always worked---kept trying and then when the last truck went by it detonated. Know and define one's friends and allies. A central precept of military doctrine is the recognition that uncertainty is a fundamental characteristic of military operations . For example where there is a communal society with central leadership applying concepts that work in a democracy are useless and potentially counterproductive. Logistics 6. And I also agree with your point reference CF vs. SOF. On a personal note, I remember when I was in Iraq in 2003, 2004/05, all the internet cafes on the FOBs that allowed our troops lots of free time when they were back inside the wire to communicate with family, friends etc. As Behavioralism was influenced by Comteon Positivism- it is logical that we are Positivists- that is, we believe if we just gather enough data, the answers to all of life's complex problems will become obvious to us. I dont ever remember reading anything where General Lee thought he could defeat and outright destroy the Army of the Potomac so his chosen course of action was one based on influencing the power base, the northern citizenry correct? how much does a company pay for h1b visa. The guerrillas M1E is the one piece of equipment that is just as sophisticated and capable as our own. How does the textbook's discussion of Anglo-American settlers in the Ohio Valley support or challenge each of the historians' arguments regarding British policy? In typical UW fashion he pulls his entire team together and they go over in detail all the circuits and devices---found nothing and went out to attempt it again. I don't mean to nitpick, as your example is notional, and I am reading a little between the lines. I suggest that the central reason we are not be able to "win friends and influence people" is because of our extremely well-known national objective, which is, outlier state and societal transformation. It could be extremely beneficial if we allowed our people to openly look for information that our enemies are posting openly, yet we need to restrict or control exactly how and what our own people are posting when they are in theater. The NZ Army utilises US Army warfighting as described in ADP 3-0 Operations, July 2019. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. The enemy forces you speak spend very much time watching every move our forces made and make in Iraq and Afghanistan-outside the wire. Our response, by invading two countries and then seeking to replace their forms of government with a model based on our own, could actually be seen as counterproductive because it played into the hands of the terrorists strategy to expose the West as an imperial crusader? I seriously doubt it. Thus if we, as you say, did not shy away from explaining exactly what this generations' mission was (summed up as offense rather than defense), then might we see the greater innovation, artestry, etc., that we are looking for? Maxwell said the War on Terrorism defined protection by entry control points, barriers, persistent ground surveillance system blimps, and even the technologically-advanced counter rocket, artillery. I think your comment actually reinforces RantCorp's point. This may include information from groups that are not the focus of military intelligence, such as allied forces, government agencies, and non-governmental organisations. It is noteworthy that within the ARSOF 2022 vision and related efforts, LTG Charles T. Cleveland, the commander of USASOC, calls for testing and experimentation of new and different operational planning constructs specifically with respect to Special Warfare. Army fires systems deliver fires in support of offensive and defensive tasks to create specific lethal and nonlethal effects on a target. I call this approach the sublime[xxxiv], borrowing the term from Curtis Whites book wherein he implores America to turn away from assuming science holds the answer to everything and instead to be antagonists to the status quo in intellectual orthodoxy [and to be] advocates for change[xxxv], And so we are stuck in an awful position: we want our cake (a 7th WfF) and we want to eat it too. For the human domain, art is the key. The seven warfighting functions are command and control, fires, force protection, information, intelligence, logistics, and maneuver.
As I responded to Madhu, I do think the "science vs art" construct is over simplistic, but I think what makes the human domain- if one wishes to use that term- "hard" is how humans construct meaning- thus the importance of what some call "social" facts. The conduct of I think to a certain extent things are still not too bad at the team level. To successfully incorporate informa - tion as a warfighting function, Marine leaders on all levels need to better un-derstand the information domain or how information flows in a metaphysi - cal realm. The HTS was a massively costly program for both the US Army and the taxpayer ---was a total waste of money---ie the Awakening was generated by AQI forking the Sunni insurgency not by anything Gen. P or Nagel did or what HTS provided in many badly written reports. Well I certainly don't have all the answers! That is, we in the Army believe, like the Political Scientist David Easton, "that in order for [military] science to become scientifically mature, it need[s] to internalize scientific principles and methods and focus on the empirically observable behavior of political actors.". | Disclaimer | Copyright Notice | Privacy Policy. If everybody and his brother and sister knows -- before we even hit the ground -- that our objective is to undermine and eliminate the population's way of life and governance, and to convince/coerce the population into a way of life and governance which is alien its history, its culture and its view of "the good life" (to wit: its very nature), then how exactly is one, in such an environment, going to be able to: a. In a broader Operational sense our inability to align Tactical success with Strategic success might stem from the possibility we are mistaking UW for Revolution, Resistance or Secession. prior to embarking upon major military operations. C. The Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Youve got to start it early, and thats one of the things Special Operations forces do very well build a small footprint. In my opinion the human domain is nothing more than observations on human nature and has always been a part of military thinking. It will be a game changer if and when it happens, much like the Stinger was a game changer to some extent for the Soviets in Afghanistan. The Pushtoon Secessionists fighting the Pak Army across the border in Pakistan are a good fit but a similar approach to Counter UW is IMO a dead loss at best and dangerously ruinous at worst. A war to resist westernization and to preserve or reinstate their more traditional/preferred way of life and way of governance.). Indeed, advise/assist can be done by conventional forces. AND if one does not believe that an insurgency does not learn from past events--just check the latest strategy statement from AQ issued Sept 2013. [xxv] The Village Stability Program incorporated into Afghanistan, starting out a very promising concept, was quickly seized upon by the bureaucracy and forced into a one-size-fits-all construct that ignored the need for local nuance. The systematic theory is highly suspect, as the Soviet centralized system should have taught us. It is juxtaposed with Surgical Strike- the other main component for how Special Operations currently differentiate themselves. You cannot believe how many times I tried to explain that to MNF-I in countless HUMINT reports.. Others, more inclined toward and adept at reflection-in-action, nevertheless feel profoundly uneasy because they cannot say what they know how to do, cannot justify its quality or rigor.. That is, unconventional tactics (e.g. This is distinct from a highly skilled practitioner of a set of skills (I.e. movement of forces for the purpose of gaining an advantage over the enemy in order to accomplish our objectives. Standardization serves a purpose in a large organization but it is stifling in small groups. [xxviii] USASOC, ARSOF 2022, http://www.specialoperations.org/ARSOF2022_vFINAL%5B1%5D.pdf. [xvi] This approach to reality basically posits that all things in this world can be understood by scientific experimentation. As usual there are a multitude of reasons. One example may assist in understanding the phenomenon. I also agree with your thoughts on how we misunderstand our enemy. Warfighting functions and the dependability of knowledge. No doubt there are many good reasons to study the local culture but it will teach you nothing about how to counter your average Taliban fighter. Conduct targeting. The Spaniards were forced to retreat from the city, but they soon regrouped and besieged the Aztec capital. Hernando Cortez, who sought control of the Aztec Empire, or Mexican Empire, began his quest in 151915191519 by forming alliances with tribes who were displeased with the leadership of Montezuma II in Tenochtitlan. Grant-----maybe Ben Z might agree with the following ---I would venture that currently in the Force the use of MDMP in it's standard form does in fact kill critical thinking as one simply goes through the rote of doing the steps not the thinking behind the why one is doing each of the steps. Doing the SF legacy mission with none of the high selectivity. Finally, how to understand "the oppressed" in terms of our political objective. The Forgotten Histories of the Codification of International Humanitarian Law in Nineteenth-Century Latin America, Crafting Strategy for Irregular Warfare: A Framework for Analysis and Action (2nd Edition), South Africas organised crime climbs to Italys levels, racing past Mexico, Somalia and Libya, Opinion | The Foreign Policies of the Sinaloa Cartel and CJNG Part V: Europes Supercoke & on- the-Horizon Issues and the Middle East, Opinion | The Foreign Policies of the Sinaloa Cartel and CJNG Part IV: Europes Cocaine & Meth Markets, Airstrikes, Civilian Casualties, and the Role of JAGs in the Targeting Process, Opinion | The Foreign Policies of the Sinaloa Cartel and CJNG Part III: Africa, The cartels flexed their power in Tijuana and now the battle for influence is on, Organized Crime in Mexico and the Evolving Government Response, Armies are re-learning how to fight in cities, Law and the Ayman al-Zawahiri airstrike: a dozen Qs & As, Informe alerta sobre contrabando de cigarrillo, narcotrfico y Hezbol, Iran Seeks to Increase Its Influence in Latin America, Experts Warn, International Humanitarian Law in Urban Warfare, ATP 3-06/MCTP 12-10B, Urban Operations (JUL 22), Latest Atrocities Highlight the Importance of Early Warning. The goal being to spend the locals' blood and treasure -- in the pursuit of our objectives -- and not our own. Viewed from that perspective, the self-defense groups of Michoacn, heroic and dignified, represent a fresh and hopeful alternative that should be recognized and supported. For example, on the one hand the methodology implores professionals to critically think, but it then defines the specific ways in which one must think about war, a wholly uncritical approach. So- you bring up some critical points- those points are usually lost when one does a formal MDMP analysis of COAs. Attempting social change of populations through military engagement throughout all of the activities leading up to and including war and its aftermath (human domain stuff) is arguably self-defeated by a bureaucracy. Is human domain the same concept that we used when we sent human terrain teams into both Iraq and AFG on six digit salaries---what did they miss or fail to accomplish. The first is the more political aspects of military operations. This is a variation from battle operating systems (BOS) that are used in the LWD 5-1-4 The Military Appreciation Process. It is often seen as the opposite of Foreign Internal Defense (FID), an umbrella term encompassing COIN. Risk cannot be taken in education and training if one is to prioritize SW. Of course it is very difficult to measure the impact of education and training on national objectives and it is near impossible to articulate the requirements for doing so, but I would argue this is more the result of our bureaucracys requirements than it is our ability to articulate. This was true for the SF of the 60/70s---the ability to "understand the mission, understand your enemy and understand yourself" before one is dropped in with no support from the outside world. Maneuver 3. "Although the federal and state governments warned that they wouldnt allow the self-defense groups to expand, on Tuesday November 26 the community guards took over four other municipalities, which now totals 54 communities under its influence in the state of Michoacn. The difficulty now in returning to UW or what you call SW is that there is a distinct lack of SF training personnel deeply grounded experience wise in UW---so much of what is being transferred is just from the recent wars. As Grant opened up the question of SW/UW vs the Special Action side and would suggest that Mexico become the training scenario for SW/UW. Its certainly a sticky issue and Im not sure what the right mix of security and positive public affairs efforts are. [xxix] Then-Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) Commanding General, General Martin E. Dempsey, according to one anonymous School of Advanced Military Studies (SAMS) instructor, told the SAMS authors of the draft design publication that it was too long, had too many big words, and didnt have any of our current doctrinal concepts like Center of Gravity in it. Whether this is true or not, shortly thereafter Dr. Jack Kem wrote a short design booklet (Design: Tools of the Trade) that linked design to doctrine and as soon as LTG William B. Caldwell IV left Fort Leavenworth for Afghanistan and took Dr. Kem with him, the original draft authors quickly published The Art of Design, Student Text 2.0, which attempted to undo the changes that TRADOC reportedly had ordered. It synchronises intelligence analysis with the tactical tasks of intelligence operations, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) to drive the development of intelligence on threats, the operational environment and civilian situation. This forces SOFs into such missions as Village Stability Operations which, in effect, are designed to help separate a population from its present or traditional way of life and way of governance and to attach the population to a way of life and way of governance which is more in line with our way of thinking, our way of life and our way of governance. There was just recently heavy fighting reported initially between the Civilian Defense elements in another area with the local TCO and then the military stepped into between to defend the civilians and it really got into heavy fighting. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. That's funny. This publication. That we attempt to measure things is but one example of a greater issue: most, if not all, of our constructs remain uncritically accepted on faith by the vast majority of our force. Maybe I'm just becoming cynical in my old age, but it bothers me to no end that so many great people and huge amounts national capital have been expended in basically accomplishing what? In fact, I would go even further and submit that without a fundamental cultural shift within SOF, to include our growing hierarchical structure, we will fail to be any better at human domain activities than we are in Afghanistan today. The art of Special Warfare is a creative use of special groups of professionals who are educated and trained to see things from multiple perspectives, to critically think about ones institutions flawed view of the world, create something new that is highly context-dependent across the resource spectrum, and learns while doing. This being the case, and the central problem that we face today, I am not sure how a better understanding of the human domain can help us to overcome this fundamental difficulty. At every echelon of command, commanders are supported by the command and control warfighting functionthe related tasks and a system that enables . Regarding my comment immediately below, this from ADM McRaven may be helpful: "You have the maritime, the ground, and the air domains, and then theres a human domain you have to operate in, and thats the totality of the physical and the cultural environment. Why the seven warfighting functions are important: Obtain maximum impact when we harmonize all warfighting functions to accomplish the desired strategic objective in the shortest time possible and with minimum casualties, Unit 2: Basic Kinesiology and Biomechanics, Unit 1: Hypertrophy and Adaptations to Streng, Edge Reading, Writing and Language: Level C, David W. Moore, Deborah Short, Michael W. Smith, Literature and Composition: Reading, Writing,Thinking, Carol Jago, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Utah Real Estate Exam Prep Practice Exam 3. Information Briefing Format II. Art, admittedly, forces one to take risk. most important function is to build and maintain a complete, up-to-date copy of the blockchain database. For those that do not believe it is possible to have a drug driven insurgency vs the more common Islamist insurgencies we have been seeing for the last ten years-----Mexico is the proof of concept and it is spreading rapidly into the US. "The goal is not more money, more missions, or more personnel. Actually making these things happen in the face of the current drawdown, our relatively recent infatuation with technology and the inexplicable application of physical domain concepts to the human domain, however, will be a herculean task. You cannot believe how many times I tried to explain that to MNF-I in countless HUMINT reports. The fires warfighting function is the related tasks and systems that provide collective and coordinated use of Army indirect fires, AMD, and joint fires through the targeting process. The opposition in AF are not fit, they are poorly trained and they have clapped out gear. Thus we are left with two choices: either accept that the same conceptual tools and doctrinal concepts that we use for the physical domains can be applied with some minor tweaking to the human domain or approach with at least skepticism the idea that the physical and human domains can be understood using the same paradigms. [xxxiii] If we are to be more effective within the human domain, we must at the least question whether the Armys physical domain approach is applicable to the human domain. 2. What we in the military seem to forget is that the enemy always has a voice and especially in Iraq where the education levels are high they were a quick adapting organism whose ecosystem was built on the Darwinian principle of survival which has always been the top rule for a guerrilla force. I know this may sound conspiratorial- but it is largely emergent and unconscious- so it isn't insidious in a malicious way (no intent). Pizarro was eventually killed by his own people, but the Inca Empire was forever lost. We must introduce at least our SOF soldiers to the concepts of the critical realist[i] philosophy and to the practice of forming multi-paradigmatic views. Secondly critical thinking ie asking all those points you mentioned above used to be the core of a SF that was based in the world of UW or what you refer to as SW. Controlling indirect and direct fires is ultra important. The danger lies with ARSOF copying the U.S. Armys use of physical domain approaches when it comes to the human domain. [xli] If SOF is to be successful at the operational and higher tactical levels, absent a personnel system that allows for flexibility and mission focus, we must incorporate at the very least a rigorous testing and experimentation program to assist us in finding the right tools and philosophical approach for operating in the human domain. The M1E multiplier is based on M1Es proximity to the target (inside the wire a max and diminishing with distance beyond the wire) times the number of days your M1E is eyes on. [xxiii] UW is defined by US SOF as support to resistance (insurgent) forces to overthrow or disrupt a government or governing entity. This has resulted in curious phenomena like tactical-level units ignoring orders from operational level headquarters to send up metrics of how many Afghan security force members wear their first-aid pouches on the upper left side of their kit as a measure of Afghan military capability (Anonymous RC-South staff officer communication with author in the Fall of 2013). When all came back in I was chastised for not running to the bunkers---my response was they were over 500 meters away and walking away from the initial impact point---a lot of dumb looks and a few questions as to what I meant by "walking" rounds and walking away from the impact point and how did I know it was 500 meters---this was 2005/2006 and I am betting it has not improved much since then. [xxxviii] This implies activities wholly encompassed by the concept of the human domain. They could learn nothing at all about what the people in a platoon outpost are likely to do by looking at small town America. Agree with you that a deeper problem (THE problem?) But- point taken- and agree. Nothing terrible here, very human stories of parties and attaches and looking for housing and going to a local bazaar and all the politics you all must deal with when you are in a different country. The Staff may have been there a week but no more than a year. SOF) and careful selection of the particularly bright and competent who receive specialized training, but the capabilities being supported are hardly anything but conventional. The intelligence warfighting function is the related tasks and systems that facilitate understanding the enemy, terrain, and civil considerations (ADRP 3-0). "Yet no matter how much we may focus on the diversity of opinions, customs, attitudes and interests within each community, in the end it is not the diversity that defines the conflict but the conflict that defines social attitudes that are widely shared.". Carefully read the passage and choose the best answer for the question that follows. What do you think about the Army Warfighting Functions? Next attempt the IED detonated between the vehicles. Ignoring for a moment that viewing reality through the lens of domains is only one way- and quite possibly a very bad way- of attempting to make sense of the world, the concept of the human domain has resulted in some confusion for many within the Army and Special Operations. ~ Lightning Press. If SW was as important, the amount and quality of education that soldiers get who are involved in SW would be similar in per capita spending as those in SS get for their specialized training and equipping. I would put forward the idea that once a society adopts agriculture, at no time in its history henceforth does it exist without an economic elite and "the rest". Observation/surveillance is the only tool that allows for any UW cell to survive. He is a Ph.D. candidate at North Carolina State Universitys Public Administration program with special interest in researching the organizational obstacles within SOCOM and DoD to effective Irregular Warfare. This is the future that the ACoS means when he mentions human domain---what he does not mention ---it can only be handled via UW/SW. What was it we missed in our estimates of the enemy meaning long term they were finished (was not the surge success an indicator that they were finished) ---even though we got the indigenous side IE Iraqi security forces human domain right or at least we thought right. The offense cannot sustain itself indefinitely. It is what makes bringing a cookie-cutter approach to COIN and UW to be such a terrible idea, and yet our bureaucracy forces us into these approaches at the operational and higher levels. I must add that many would say that Special Operations is a separate Army Warfighting Function. The warfighting functions are the physical means that tactical commanders use to execute operations and accomplish missions assigned by superior tactical- and operational-level commanders. The Inca Empire shared a fate similar to that of the Aztec, but at the hands of a conquistador more sinister than Cortez. The primary purpose of the command and control warfighting function is to assist commanders in integrating then other elements of combat power (leadership, information, M2, intelligence, fires, sustainment, and protection) to achieve objectives and accomplish missions. warehouse for sale dane county, Goal -- via containment, etc < a href= '' https: //metronmetroindia.com/jadarius-jenkins/warehouse-for-sale-dane-county '' > for... Human domain, art is the recognition that uncertainty is a communal society with central applying! 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