E) spinosum. The coloring in the skin; found in the epidermis. The zygomatic arch is formed by the articulation of processes from which two bones? Why must skin also be penetrable? A. stratum basale B. stratum corneum C. stratum granulosum D. stratum lucidum E. stratum spinosum F. papillary dermis G. reticular dermis, From superficial to deep, give the correct orientation of the meningeal layers. folds in the tissue are called, makes up the majority of the cells in the epidermis and synthesize and accumulate keratin, epidermal cells with visible granules responsible for synthesizing kerahyalin and help to reduce water loss, transport epidermal layer only found in the palm of the hand and sole of the feet, forms the most superficial layers of the epidermis, variations in skin color due to the presence of these types of cells, epidermal layer containing cells connected by desmosomes, sweat glands becoming active after puberty and found in the axillary and the groin regions, type of sweat glands found throughout most of the dermis, type of hair found on the scalp, eyebrows, and eyelashes, oily substance that coats the hair shafts to reduce brittleness, type of hair that covers much of the skin and has a 1Cpeach fuzz 1D feel to it, type of hair that covers the arms and legs, structure that can also act as a sensory receptor, structure that wraps around the base of each hair follicle and is sensitive to movement of the hair, structure in the hair follicle that goes under mitotic cell division to elongate the hair, contraction of the muscle will cause goosebumps, Half moon shaped structure near the cuticle, Area of the nail that extends past the edge of the digit (french manicurist typically polish this area white), Dead part of the skin, which is composed of stratum corneum, at the base of lunula, what percentage of the dermis is composed of the highlighted tissue type, which muscles attached to hair follicles cause gooseflesh, if a needle pierced your forearm, what is the order of epidermal layers the needle will pass through, in thick skin, what is the extra layer of cells in the epidermis, what are the types of hair that a lightly pigmented and distributed over much of the body as peach fuzz, which structure would you expect to find in the highlighted layer, blood vessels, free nerve ending, and receptor cellsx, is a layer that produces new keratinocytes, is a folded layer of dermis located next to the epidermis, is the most superficial layer of epidermis, is a muscle that is attached to hair follicles, is a layer that is only found in areas of thick skin, is a type of sweat gland that is associated with hair follicles, dense irregular connective tissue is found in the______ layer of the dermis, A layer found only in thick skin is the stratum, hair and nails are produced by the________ layer of the epidermis, The pigment melanin is produced by cells in the epidermis called, nails, hair, and glands are considered_______structures of the skin, The gland that lubricates hair within the follicle is the____gland, The living cells in the epidermis are called, what class of receptor is the highlighted structure, which of the following are the two types of sudoriferous glands, which type of burn destroys the entire epidermis and portions of the dermis but does not injure hair follicles and gland in the dermis, what is produced by the highlighted structures, David N. Shier, Jackie L. Butler, Ricki Lewis, Human Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory Manual, Main Version, Essentials of Criminological Theory Chapters. the deepest region of the epidermis is the. c. stratum granulosum d. stratum lucidum. 5. dermis, Drag the labels onto the epidermal layers. How would you classify her burn? d) stratum corneum. Learn what the integumentary system is, the integumentary system parts, and the function of this system. b. stratum lucidum. The highlighted structure and the temporal process of the zygomatic bone join to form what structure? d. mesoderm. hair bulb . The dermis is split into two parts. True or false. They lack a nucleus and the cytoplasm is filled with a gelatinous substance,eleidin, which will be transformed into keratin. It consists of 8 to 10 layers of irregularly shaped cells, with very prominent intercellular bridges (desmosomes). Which structures would you expect to find in the highlighted layer? c) stratum basale. Given the definition, provide the missing combining form element. Drag the labels onto the diagram to identify the bone markings. Identify the term: Deep layer of the dermis that has dense irregular collagenous connective tissue. Langerhans cells. Some of the dividing cells move up to the next layer. 3. Which of the following cranial nerves is transmitted through the highlighted opening? Helps insulate the body Keratinocytes Epidermal cell that produces keratin. EXPERIMENT 2: Observe the connective tissue below. A. Papillary B. Stratum granulosum C. Reticular D. Stratum corneum E. Dermis F. Epidermis G. Stratum basale H. Stratum lucidum 1. 2. neck If you zoom on the cells at the outermost layer of this section of skin, what do you notice about the cells? b. stratum basale. + Stem Cells: divide rapidly. 3. foramen ovale d. stratum lucidum. tuberosity, tubercle, fossa, sulcus, trochanter, spine, crest, 1. sulcus What layer of the epidermis is "B"? 2. ramus The epidermis is an elastic layer on the outside that is continuously regenerated; this layer is shed and constantly replaced every 15 to 30 days. Approximately, how many total kilocalories does a 120-pound female need each day - her BMR? Location of melanocytes and tactile epithelial cells. Which statement(s) about the functions of the paranasal sinuses is/are not true? Which of the following organs are NOT found in the integumentary system? 6. parietal bone c. Cells are dead d. Interlocking keratinized cells e. Cells are anucleate A) a, b, d B) a, c, d C) a, b, c, d, e D) a, c, e E) a, c, Match all the terms to the following description. Most of the epidermis in the body has four layers . What is one of the two main structural layers of the skin? a) Tunica intima b) Tunica adventitia c) Tunica media d) Tunica externa, Which of the following options is correct? epidermal ridge, stratum lucidom, stratum corneum, stratum granulosum, basement membrane, dermal papilla, dermis, stratum spinosum, stratum basale, 1. stratum corneum 4. lacrimal bone 3. ethmoid Expert Answer. b) frontal lobe 9. vomer, Drag the labels onto the diagram to identify the bones of the adult skull, anterior view. 1. epithelial cells 2. reticular lamina 3. lamina densa 4. lamina lucida 5. connective tissue with type I collagen a. What are the projections of the highlighted layer that push up into the epidermis and form friction ridges? 7. styloid process 3. tactile corpuscle Most superficial stratum. What type of tissue is the epidermis composed of? an oily substance secreted by sebaceous glands is. Name one of them. The basal cell layer ( stratum basale, or stratum germinosum), is a single layer of cells, closest to the dermis. a) The stratum corneum is composed of simple cuboidal epithelial tissue. sebaceous gland, sweat gland duct, hair follicle, lamellar corpuscle, 1. hair shaft This injury would involve the. Stratum spinosum Identify the highlighted layer. 9. mandible True or False: The outermost layer of the epidermis is stratum basale and the inntermost layer is stratum corneum. 1. stratum spinosum 2. stratum granulosum 3. stratum corneum 4. stratum basale 5. stratum lucidum A) 4, 1, 2, 5, 3 B) 3, 5 . Skin that has four layers of cells is referred to as "thin skin.". e. ectoderm. Which bone structure has foramina for the olfactory nerves? Stratified squamous epithelium b. parietal bone, occipital bone, lambdoid suture, temporal bone a. Stratum Basalis b. Stratum functionalis c. Stratum mucosalis. bookmarked pages associated with this title. a. stratum basale b. stratum corneum c. stratum granulosum d. stratum lucidum e. stratum spinosum f. papillary dermis g. reticular dermis. The stratum basale is a single layer of cells primarily made of basal cells. Describe the location (specific layer) of the tattoo dye in the skin. Drag the labels onto the diagram to identify the paranasal sinuses. CliffsNotes study guides are written by real teachers and professors, so no matter what you're studying, CliffsNotes can ease your homework headaches and help you score high on exams. They are found only in the deepest layer of the epidermis, called the stratum basale. b) Deep & superficial fascia. flammable, pesticide, poison control center, antidote, first aid, Heimlich maneuver, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), appropriate, crucial. Do you believe these proteins become incorporated into the collagen and elastic fibers in the underlying connective tissue after you place them on the epithelium? The stem cells are located in the stratum basale and migrate outwards in their differentiation process Stratum corneum: The outmost layer, made of dead keratinocytes with a layer of protein around them (they have undergone keratinization) Score: 4.9/5 (55 votes) . True or false. The superficial fascia refers to the ..subcutaneous layer, epidermal layer, dermal layer or papillary layer. 4. stratum spinosum Continuously replaced by desquamation and replication, new keratinocytes form regularly inside it, which approximately 30 days later reach the surface. October 17, 2019, 2:14 am, by It is in this layer of granular cells that thekeratinizationprocess begins. squamous suture, mandible, frontal bone, zygomatic arch, external acoustic meatus, coronal suture, 1. coronal suture D) concentric lamellae. canal, sinus, process, foramen, fissure, ramus, meatus, 1. process head, trochlea, neck, facet, condyle, 1. head The skin consists of two main layers and a closely associated layer. What is the layer of epidermis that is the most superficial layer? Folds in the tissue are called . Which paired bones form the lateral, posterior portions of the cranium? 3. tunica vaginalis tunica albuginea adventitia cortex. Which layer of the epidermis is highlighted? vomer, nasal bone, perpendicular plate of ethmoid, ethmoid, parietal bone, lacrimal bone, zygomatic bone, temporal bone, palatine bone, 1. parietal bone Dermis layer that contains blood vessels, sweat and oil, Which layer of the skin contains the cells that are continuously dividing? C. stratum lucidum. The average volume of blood in a healthy male is 5.5 liters. Zona glomerulosa 3. Epidermis a. 8, mental foramen The keratinized epithelial and connective tissues are a. simple squamous and areolar. The Dermis. Which vitamin is produced in the skin following exposure to ultraviolet light? EXPERIMENT 5: What tissue type is the dermis composed of and how does that connect to its function? D. keratinocytes in stratum spinosum. Layer that secretes a glycolipid that prevents water loss from the skin. Additionally, the epidermis consists of between four and five layers, depending on where the epidermis is located in the body. 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. Which foramen, indicated by the arrow, allows passage of the internal jugular veins? follicle. Which of the following layers of the epidermis is responsible for cell division and replacement? 2. ethmoidal cells 5. external acoustic meatus A. Anatomy and Physiology questions and answers. The layers of bone tissue immediately deep to the periosteum are A) circumferential lamellae. It is usually only in this layer that cells divide. a) Keratinized stratified cuboidal. e. stratum germinativum. 5. stratum basale Why do most paper cuts and other superficial cuts on your skin not bleed? EXPERIMENT 5: Because the smooth muscle layer is thicker in arteries than in veins, which of the following is a logical conclusion? Which fiber type dominates the tissue of the highlighted layer? Hypodermis They create a larger surface area for the basement membrane of the epidermis to attach with the dermal layer of the skin. Notice that the notation for molal concentration to this point in our discussion of the Harned and Ehlers paper has been in terms of the variables msm_sms, where xxx is the species of interest. Look for the areas of black ink in the skin on the tattoo slide. For more information please refer to the documentation. dermal papilla. 9. epidermal ridge, What types of glands are found in the skin? External and visible layer of the skin, theepidermisis mainly formed by the so-calledkeratinocytes(dead cells). John David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine, David N. Shier, Jackie L. Butler, Ricki Lewis. The epidermis is composed of keratinized, stratified squamous epithelium. b) corneum. EXPERIMENT 5: How did the shape of the epidermal cells in the outer skin surface slide compare to the shape of the epidermal cells in the skin cross section slide? The epidermis is the outermost layer of the skin. In case of skin diseases, this layer can retain water, leading to the formation of blisters on the skin. Dermal layer responsible for fingerprints. Psychology has more to do with interpersonal relationships with co-workers is to open ( dilate ) close. perpendicular plate of the ethmoid and vomer bone. What is another name for the subcutaneous layer? c: Cells are dead. B. melanocytes. It is made of four or five layers of epithelial cells, depending on its location in the body. Compare the extrapolated value to the provisional value used to calculate \mu. (This is their Minute Respiratory Volume. Post author By ; Post date eatingwell article submission; calathea rosy vs corona on injecting a suspension intravenously can lead to quizlet on injecting a suspension intravenously can lead to quizlet 6. optic canal Sometimes called thegerminative stratum, it is a monolayer of cylindrical cells, the only ones that experience mitosis. D. stratum granulosum. Look for the areas of black ink in the skin on the tattoo slide. (c) $\mathrm{HBrO}_3$ is a stronger acid than $\mathrm{HBrO}_2$; The dichotomous key begun should allow users to classify the organisms illustrated. This ABC video follows the story of a pair of fraternal African-American twins, one of whom is albino. 11.3 Axial Muscles of the Head, Neck, and Back. & =-\frac{R T}{F} \ln \frac{\left(\gamma_{\mathrm{H}, \mathrm{O}^{-}}\right)\left(\gamma_{\mathrm{CC}^{-}}\right)\left(\gamma_{\mathrm{HOAc}}\right)}{\left(\gamma_{\mathrm{H}_3 \mathrm{O}^{-}}\right)\left(\gamma_{\mathrm{OAC}}\right)}-\frac{R T}{F} \ln K C. stratum basale. b Stratum spinosum. Which of the following bone markings would be the most likely point of articulation with an adjacent bone? True or false. In some diseases, the keratinization process increases abnormally producing ahyperkeratosis, characterized by a thick skin, not very elastic, that cracks easily. February 10, 2021, 1:27 pm, by answer choices Melanin Oil Perspiration Pores Question 3 60 seconds Q. It consists of the superficial dermis and deep epidermis. We can now appreciate that the reason for this preference is based on entropy. c. stratum basale. The layer of dividing cells at the base of the epidermis is the: a. stratum corneum. Its thickness, including the stratum corneum, varies according to the cutaneous region between 0.04 and 0.4 mm, with an average value of 0.05 mm. Two layers containing dead cells. The highlighted structure is avascular. Give the name or formula for the following compounds: 7. tubercle EXPERIMENT 2: Based on your observations of connective tissue, which statement explains the difference between loose and dense connective tissue? Previous Stratum lucidum is made up of flattened epithelial cells. b) The dermis is composed of dense regular connective tissue over dense irregu, If you accidentally cut your arm and see connective tissue and fat, which layer(s) was/were cut? These three layers include the epidermis (outermost layer), dermis (middle layer), and hypodermis (innermost layer). alternatives . The palms of the hand and the soles of the feet are made of thick skin. There are three primary layers of skin in humans. a collection of cells that together perform a single function. Who are the experts? The correct answer is: Epithelial tissue covers the surfaces of organs. 1-4-2-3-5 c. 1-2-4-3-5 d. 1-4. The papillary layer of the dermis consists of areolar tissue containing numerous collagen and elastic fibers. 4. temporal bone Match all the terms to the following description. Her physician has instructed her 10. occipital bone, Drag the labels onto the diagram to identify the bones of the adult skull, inferior view. The middle layer known as the dermis occurs deep to this layer. A. Basal layer B. Subepidermis C. Stratum corneum D. Epithelium, Match all the terms to the following description. 7. canal, Drag the labels onto the diagram to identify the bone markings. Does the highlighted structure loosely or tightly anchor the skin to underlying structures? Do you believe these proteins become incorporated into the collagen and elastic fibers in the underlying connective tissue after you place them on the epithelium? Many cells h . 10. jugular foramen, Drag the labels onto the diagram to identify the bones of the adult skull, lateral view. 2. pore of sweat gland duct 2023 Course Hero, Inc. All rights reserved. Which of the following options is correct? Dense irregular connective tissue 2. 6. infraorbital foramen What are the types of hair that a lightly pigmented and distributed over much of the body as "peach fuzz?". Melanocytes Epidermal cell that produces melanin Keratin Each of the following bones is a component of the orbital complex except the ________ bone. 6. lacrimal bone E. hypodermis. c) occipital lobe Identify the layer indicated in the figure above. 4. foramen (Hint: Not to be used as evidence.). c. stratum corneum. Zona fasciculata 2. b: Consists of about 3-5 cell layers. The epidermis is composed of up to five layers or strata; from the inside out these are the: stratum basale, spinosum, granulosum, lucidum, and corneum. Experts are tested by Chegg as specialists in their subject area. K=HOAC(H,O)(OAc)mHOACmH3OmOAc, where OAn\gamma_{O A_n}OAn and HOACC\gamma_{\mathrm{HOAC}_{\mathrm{C}}}HOACC are the activity coefficients of acetate ion and acetic acid, respectively, and mOACm_{\mathrm{OAC}}mOAC and mHOACm_{H O A C}mHOAC are their respective equilibrium molal (mole solute/kg solvent) concentrations. 7. dermis c) Transitional. The horny layer barely allows the passage of water and soluble substances, with the exception of those of low molecular weight. a. blood vessels, free nerve ending, and receptor cells. From superficial to deep the epidermis include; the stratum corneum (e), the stratum lucidum (d), the stratum granulosum (b), the stratum spinosum (c) and the stratum basale (a). The dermis is the thick middle layer of living tissue that contains blood vessels, lymph vessels, nerve endings, sweat and oil glands, and hair follicles. Which one of the following represents the correct sequence from outermost to innermost layers of the meninges: A. dura mater, arachnoid mater, pia mater B. pia mater, dura mater, arachnoid mater C. arachnoid mater, dura mater, pia mater D. dura mater. 2. foramen lacerum Why do you think the dye is placed in the specific location/layer? e) hypodermis. b) stratum granulosum. Does the highlighted structure respond to light, pressure, or both? c. produce a fibrous protein that gives the skin protective properties. EXPERIMENT 4: Which cells support the neurons? You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. The optic nerve passes through which structure? d. stratum granulosum. 7. stylomastoid foramen Removing #book# A. Stratum basale B. Sratam corneum C. Stratum granulosum D. Stratum lucidum E. Stratum spinosum F. Papillary layer G. Reticular layer H. Epidermis as a whole I. Dermis as a wh, Two layers containing dead cells. The Epidermis: The epidermal layer of the skin is the most superficial layer. Do the collagen fibers found in the highlighted layer function to provide strength or stretch? A. stratum corneum B. stratum lucidum C. stratum granulosum D. stratum spinosum E. stratum basale. What class of receptor is the highlighted structure? e: Cells are anucleate. D. papillary layer. As the result of an accident, Bill suffers a dislocated jaw. E. stratum spinosum. Only found in thick skin Only one cell thick Several layers of dead skin Cells of the Epidermis Divide and produce keratinocytes . 4. occipital bone 3. trochanter E) All of the above are correct. A. stratum corneum B. stratum basale C. dermis D. hypodermis E. all of these layers. (f) These workers prepared solutions of various molal analytical concentrations of acetic acid, sodium acetate, and sodium chloride and measured the potential of the cell presented at the beginning of this problem. (T/F) The integumentary system contributes to homeostasis by maintaining body temperature, and allowing you to respond to external stimuli. Complete the key using only information in the illustration. a. stratum basale b. stratum corneum c. stratum granulosum d. stratum lucidum e. stratum spinosum f. papillary dermis g. reticular d. Which are applicable to the stratum corneum? e. stratum lucidum. A. stratum basale B. stratum corneum C. stratum granulosum D. stratum lucidum E. stratum spinosum F. papillary dermis G. reticular dermis, Which of the following is the site of melanin formation? Duct of sudoriferous gland Identify the highlighted structure. what is secreted by the highlighted structure, what is the whitish portion of the proximal nail body where blood vessels do not show through the layer of keratinized, what is the pigment that protects deeper cells of the skin from harmful UV radiation, The papillary layer of the dermis consists of areolar tissue containing numerous collagen and elastic fibers. ANSWER: Reset Help The root word cutan- means "skin." The root word derm- means "pertaining to skin." The root word melan- means "black." The root word -crine means "to secrete." Reset Help The layer of skin not exposed to air is the dermis Another name for skin is cutaneous membrane. Blood in a healthy male is 5.5 liters the tattoo slide her BMR as.! 5: what tissue type is the epidermis is the layer of tattoo. Epidermis ( outermost layer ), and receptor cells trochanter E ) all of the orbital complex the! 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